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Commonsense Childrearing

Unconventional Wisdom for a Nourished Childhood

January 2025
More details
  • Publisher
  • ISBN 9781938685576
  • Language English
  • Pages 168 pp.
  • Size 5.5" x 8.5"

Can we raise healthy children in a toxic world?

Yes, we can!

Modern life, with its conveniences and technologies, has had mixed results. With great gains come also losses. For better or for worse, as certain types of knowledge have increased, others, which were not perhaps knowledge in the modern sense, but rather types of wisdom, which were once innate, have grown faint.

Just as the wisdom of traditional diets faded and gave way to a haphazard, increasingly toxic, industrialized, "modern" diet—the hazardous results of which many are now waking up to—so, too, did older, likely innate wisdom for guiding a growing human being from birth through childhood and adolescence into adulthood all but vanish, with predictable results.

It falls to those who are willing to step outside the box of today’s widely unquestioned orthodoxies to honestly assess where we’ve come from, where we are, and how to go forward in ways that not only restore sanity (though that’s a necessary first step), but also reclaim something of the wisdom of being human, but in new ways.

While it’s true that we can’t go back to how things once were, wisdom is also possible going forward. A living, contemporary, and conscious approach to raising children, born of both commonsense and love, is both achievable and necessary. This is the path that Dr. Cowan outlines in this book.

With friendly humor and out of his keen observation of children through the years, as a physician, a parent, grandparent, and friend, Dr. Cowan offers hope and guidance for the parents of today’s youngest generation, that they may raise up a cohort of free, healthy, happy, caring human beings.

While rearing children in the twenty-first century entails facing certain challenges that were either unknown or insignificant even a generation ago, Dr. Cowan demonstrates that the door is wide open to meet these challenges with new thinking and a renewed commitment to the sacredness of the growing human being.

C O N T E N T S:


1. Choosing Sides
2. Trust
3. Rhythm
4. Perseverance
5. Play
6. Integrity
7. Food Fights
8. Punishments and Rewards


9. School
10. Radical Monopolies: The Hidden Curriculum
11. Education
12. Learning to Read
13. Electronic Devices
14. Returning to Life
15. Envisioning a World Fit for Our Children
16. Vaccines and Animals


1. Electromagnetic Frequencies
2. Tylenol
3. Diagnostic Ultrasounds

About the Author

Thomas Cowan, MD

Thomas Cowan, MD, has studied and written on numerous subjects in medicine, including nutrition, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine, and herbal medicine. His recent books include Cancer and the New Biology of Water (2019); Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness (2018); and Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease (2016). Dr. Cowan has served as vice president of the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He also writes the “Ask the Doctor” column in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts (the Weston A. Price Foundation’s quarterly magazine), has lectured throughout the United States and Canada, and is the cofounder of two family businesses, Dr. Cowan’s Garden ( and Human Heart, Cosmic Heart ( He has three grown children and resides in San Francisco with his wife Lynda Smith.