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Bernard Jarman


Bernard Jarman worked as an apprentice on a biodynamic farm in Germany before running a hill farm in Botton Camphill Village, North Yorkshire. He was Executive Director of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association in the UK for fifteen years and continues to teach courses in biodynamic agriculture around the world. He lives in Stroud, England.

Author's Books


The Calendar of the Soul

A set of 52 cards with paintings by Karin Jarman

Rudolf Steiner
By (artist) Karin Jarman
Translated by Bernard Jarman

Biodynamic Preparations around the World

Insightful Case Studies from Six Continents

Ueli Hurter
Introduction by Ueli Hurter and Uli Johannes König
Preface by Wolfgang Stränz
Translated by Bernard Jarman

Biodynamic Wine Growing Edition 1

Understanding the Vine and Its Rhythms

Edited by Jean-Michel Florin
Translated by Bernard Jarman

What Covid-19 Can Teach Us

Meeting the Virus with Fear or Informed Common Sense?
