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Ralf Roessner


Ralf Roessner is a passionate beekeeper and a biodynamic farmer, cultivating and processing the “light root” (Dioscorea batatas), which his company IMTON GmbH develops and markets. He is the author of The Light Root (Temple Lodge, 2014). In addition, Ralf has been working in the field of water research for twenty years. As a former Waldorf school teacher, he is interested in all new developments in education, and as a father of two adult children, he aims to be in touch with the pulse of the times. All of this informs Ralf's quest for healthy nutrition for the future through meditative as well as experimental research into subtle matter.

Author's Books

The Genius of Bees and the Elemental Beings

How the Spiritual World Works through Bees for Nature and Humanity


The Light Root

Nutrition of the Future: A Spiritual–Scientific Study

Ralf Roessner
Contributions by Clemens Hildebrandt
Translated by Michael Williams
Revised by David Macgregor