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Stars of the Meadow

Medicinal Herbs as Flower Essences

September 2005
More details
  • Publisher
    Lindisfarne Books
  • Published
    15th September 2005
  • ISBN 9781584200352
  • Language English
  • Pages 184 pp.
  • Size 7" x 10"

Flower essences are liquid, energetic remedies derived from living flowers. They bring the natural dynamic energy of the plant directly into the human electro-system, where they work to bring about movement toward health and balance. Because of their energetic and living quality, they work directly and deeply in the emotional system, assisting in the release of early wounds and trauma. These suppressed imprints are considered to be a main causes of many types of diseases or imbalances today.

Flower essences are a perfect complement to many of today’s health practices. They enhance the effects of energy work, physical therapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, cranial-sacral work, massage, aroma therapy and many other forms of healing and treatment. Flower essences are safe, natural, and non-toxic.

Continuing the work of Edward Bach, Stars of the Meadow looks deeply into the relationship between health and the human personality. David Dalton takes us on a thorough and soulful exploration of how to use more than forty medicinal herbs as flower essences, portraying each flower in a way that is both substantive and inspired. Each description is organized to present a picture of how the flower essence affects the adult personality as it has been formed through life, and describes its direct clinical effects on children and animals.

Dalton also connects different types of flowers—based on the number and arrangement of petals as well as associated colors and qualities—to the system of human chakras, or energy centers. This innovative approach allows the reader to discover new ways to employ flower essences to focus on specific areas of one’s being, from the most physical to the highest levels, allowing a kind of flexibility rarely found in any single system of healing.

Stars of the Meadow is a valuable guide not only for those who are new to flower essences, but also for seasoned herbalists who wish to deepen their knowledge of this effective method of healing body, mind, and soul.

“It has been an honor to be associated with David Dalton’s work for many years, witnessing his skills as a healer and teacher.... David combines an extraordinary passion for both plants and people.”

Patricia Kaminski, director of The Flower Essence Society, Nevada City, California

“This is an outstanding resource.... David writes from his rich experience as a therapist and flower essence practitioner in presenting each flower portrait with clarity and fullness. I am especially grateful for the way David has moved beyond descriptions and indications to more fully develop the true character of each essence and the personality traits of those who could benefit from each of these ‘stars.’”

Kate Gilday, herbalist, Woodland Essence, Cold Brook, New York

“David Dalton has made an inestimable contribution to the study and use of flower essences. His work deepens the understanding of the particular energetics of flowers, as well as providing a system of diagnosis and use. Attention especially to herbalists and lovers of the plant world: in Stars of the Meadow, you will re-meet many medicine plants you are familiar with in a new and profound way.”

Claudia Keel, Earthflower Herbals

C O N T E N T S:

Foreword by Kate Gilday (Woodland Essence)
A Note on Preparation and Dosage

Black Cohosh
Black Current
Blackberry Lily
Blessed Thistle
Blue Vervain
Bull Thistle
Butterfly Weed
Canada Thistle
Golden Amaranthus
Gravel Root
Habanero Pepper
Hemp Agrimony
Indian Pipe
Indian tobacco
Japanese Knotweed
Lady’s Mantle
Lemon Balm
Pink Amaranthus
Pink Lady’s Slipper
Scarlet Pimpernel
Solomon’s Seal
Star Jasmine
Stinging Nettle
Water Lily
White Columbine
Wood Betony


David Dalton

David Dalton is the founder and director of Delta Gardens in southern New Hampshire, a center for flower essence research and education. The center treats adults, children, and animals and also trains practitioners from many professional fields for the ongoing inquiry into the effects of flower essences on the body, mind, and emotions.