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Stephen E. Usher


Stephen E. Usher, Ph.D., is an economist with expertise in money, banking, and financial markets. He received his doctorate from the University of Michigan and served as a staff economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from 1978 to 1980. His tenure overlapped with Paul Volcker, president of the NY Fed until President Carter appointed him Fed Chairman in August 1979. After heading Anthroposophic Press from 1980 to 1988, Mr. Usher joined a premiere international firm of consulting economists (NERA) and specialized in securities and financial markets. Mr. Usher established his own economic consulting business in 1999. He has lectured hundreds of times in business, cultural, and academic settings and taught introductory economics courses at Rockland Community College in New York and principles of money, banking and financial markets at SUNY as adjunct faculty. Mr. Usher has published numerous books. 

Author's photo

Author's Books

Social Threefolding

Rebalancing Culture, Politics and Economics: An Introductory Reader


The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric

A Collection of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ


Esoteric Development

Lectures and Writings


The Esoteric Aspect of the Social Question

The Individual and Society (CW 193)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Stephen E. Usher
Translated by Pauline Wehrle