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Biodynamic Farming Handbook

Activating Soil Fertility for Growing Healthy Food

January 2025
More details
  • Publisher
    Hawthorn Press
  • ISBN 9781912480937
  • Language English
  • Pages 320 pp.
  • Size 7.5" x 9.7"

Biodynamic Farming Handbook is a unique guide to biodynamic agricultural and gardening methods, as an advanced organic, regenerative farming method that eschews chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. As with other organic methods, it aims to build soil organic matter levels and biological activity, enabling plants to feed and grow naturally.

Nevertheless, the biodynamic approach goes far beyond conventional organic methods, using a range of powerful nature-based preparations that greatly enhance soil biological activity and photosynthetic efficiency, resulting in healthier, more vibrant plants with exceptional flavor and keeping qualities, far beyond what is achievable through ordinary organic methods.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of biodynamic farming, its scientific basis, detailed instructions for practical application, plus a series of detailed case studies detailing the activities of a variety of biodynamic farms in Australia and Europe that use the Australia Demeter Biodynamic Method, which is applied widely in Europe, Asia, and the U.S.

It is called the “Australian” method because it was developed most extensively under the guidance of Alex Podolinsky (1925–2019), and the method extended to hundreds of thousands of acres by the mid-1980s. Owing to Podolinsky's annual advisory trips throughout Europe from the 1990s until his death in 2019, hundreds of farmers now use this method.

“We have run our 10,000-acre wheat farm since 1986 using these practices, supplying clean food and being economically successful doing it. For anybody wanting to find a way of producing the most nutritious and chemical free food you can in your backyard or on a large-scale farm, this book has it all. John shows you how and why certain practices are done. This is a detailed instruction manual. Food and chemicals should never mix. This book will improve the health of all who follow its practices.”

— Barry Edwards, biodynamic grain producer, Victoria, Australia

“...a clear and accurate guide to Alex Podolinsky's Australian Demeter Biodynamic Method and a very useful resource for farmers.”

— Bridgette Olsen, Agricoltura Vivente, Italy, medicinal herb producer

“This book that John has created is a wonderful resource and reference for new and experienced biodynamic practitioners who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and understanding of the Australian Demeter Biodynamic way of farming and gardening. I have been a practicing biodynamic farmer for more than 35 years, and I am still learning thanks to this book.”

— Mark Peterson, biodynamic dairy farmer, Victoria, Australia

“[This book] covers both the theoretical and the operational aspects of biodynamic practice in a thorough and very readable way. A very thorough, accessible, and practical guide to biodynamics for farmers and growers. I wish it had been available when we converted our orchard to Biodynamics 30 years ago!”

— Ian Davies, Biodynamic orchardist, Western Australia

“[The author] presents a very clear overview of the method, details the extensive scientific foundation of the method, and provides a comprehensive guide to its practical application. As an agricultural engineer and research scientist, I can confidently state, based on my numerous farm scale trials, academic studies, and shared observations with the farming community that biodynamics, properly applied, produces wholesome nutrient-rich plants grown unrestricted within the natural processes and are not limited as those plants grown using conventional agricultural methodologies. The resulting biologically dynamic soils increases the soil organic matter, humus, and structure to depth resulting in seasonally resilient productive soils, not depleted shallow soils as is the case resulting from high input conventional agricultural practice, where ongoing financial sustainability of such practices is of major concern worldwide.”

— Dr. John Russell, PhD, former lecturer at La Trobe University

John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw edits Biodynamic Growing Magazine. He studied primary school education at Toorak Teachers College and is a former farmer and biodynamic certifier for Demeter Bio-Dynamic Research Institute. He lives in Cranbourne South, Victoria, Australia.