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The Spirit of Community

The Power of the Sacraments in The Christian Community

Ulrich Meier
Foreword by Tom Ravetz
Translated by Matthew Barton
May 2024
More details
  • Publisher
    Floris Books
  • Published
    21st May
  • ISBN 9781782508960
  • Language English
  • Pages 80 pp.
  • Size 5" x 7"

Modern society places great emphasis on the individual as a dynamic, creative force, free to pursue one’s own goals and ambitions. Nevertheless, people also still long to be part of a community and form meaningful relationships with other human beings. One of the places this deeper connection can be found is in religious worship together.

In this thoughtful book, Ulrich Meier shows how each of the seven sacraments of The Christian Community contributes to community-building. He explores how, through baptism, the community welcomes a new life on Earth, aware of and acknowledging the life that was lived in spirit before birth; then, confirmation marks the transition from the close ties of parents and teachers to the broader community; and in sacramental consultation, individuals explore the relationship of their past actions to their future intentions.

This book is for all those who wish to deepen their understanding of the sacraments and help to build a more vibrant community of Christians.

C O N T E N T S:

Foreword by Tom Ravetz

1. Anointing: The Art of Dying
2. Baptism: A Festival of Recognition
3. Confirmation: Dismissed into Life
4. Communion: Becoming One Body
5. Consultation: Remembrance and Renewal
6. Marriage: An Enhancement of Life’s Potential
7. Ordination: A Priestly Siblinghood
8. Community in Christ
9. Celebrating Life


Ulrich Meier

Ulrich Meier was born in Hamburg in 1960. He studied at The Christian Community seminary in Stuttgart and was ordained as a priest of The Christian Community in 1990. After working in a congregation, in 2006 Rev. Meier took over the management of the seminary in Hamburg. He is also the editor of Die Christengemeinschaft, the journal of The Christian Community, and author of a number of books on aspects of the sacraments and on ethics.