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Neanderthals and Atlantis

Rudolf Steiner and the New Prehistory

February 2025
More details
  • Publisher
    Clairview Books
  • ISBN 9781912992690
  • Language English
  • Pages 356 pp.
  • Size 6.1" x 9.25"

Where do we come from? The idea of human origins—the whole pattern of prehistory—has been through a revolution. The long-held Darwinian view purported to show how adopting an upright posture caused the gradual transition from animal to human. That theory has fallen apart spectacularly. Human orientation and equilibrium are now seen as a “biological new beginning.” Characteristics such as social complexity and artistic ability emerged with startling suddenness—in a Stone Age “cognitive explosion.” In place of Darwin, an entirely new history has emerged: a migration out of Africa and a Middle Eastern transformation. Crucial to understanding this is the discovery of our mystical, shamanic roots, as shown in the cave-paintings that dazzled Picasso. It has become clear that the cognitive leap was a spiritual revolution.

Not least, our supposed human uniqueness has been challenged by the Neanderthals, whose heritage has been hidden for millennia. In no sense crude “ape-men,” they were a highly intelligent, culturally advanced people whose history long overlapped ours. Without them, human evolution would undoubtedly be very different.

Over a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner spoke of two human types or species. This book illustrates how many of Steiner’s descriptions of human development remarkably coincide with emerging perspectives. His evolutionary thinking about humanity’s distinctive role can set scientific discoveries in a dramatic new light. His concepts concerning rhythmic phases and transitions—grounded in the formation and disintegration of continents—give authentic scientific expression to the myth of Atlantis. Welburn weaves Steiner’s perspectives with contemporary research in this ground-breaking work, exploring the turning points of human consciousness. In doing so, he helps replace the search for man’s animal connections with the need to rethink the very meaning of being human.

Andrew J. Welburn

Dr. Andrew J. Welburn is a fellow of New College, Oxford. He has written, translated, and edited numerous books on spiritual science and early Christianity, including The Beginnings of Christianity: Essene Mystery, Gnostic Revelation and the Christian Vision (1991); Gnosis: The Mysteries and Christianity (1994); and Myth of the Nativity: The Virgin Birth Re-examined (2006).