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The School of Spiritual Science Edition 2 Revised and updated

An Introduction

July 2024
More details
  • Publisher
    Temple Lodge Publishing
  • Published
    9th July
  • ISBN 9781915776167
  • Language English
  • Pages 118 pp.
  • Size 6" x 9.25"

Thoroughly revised and updated, this important volume describes the character, intentions, and working methods of the pioneering School of Spiritual Science, as established by Rudolf Steiner within the framework of the reestablished Anthroposophical Society in 1924. It explains the School’s prerequisites for membership and examines the role of the First Class and its representatives’ responsibilities.

The main body of the book features descriptions of the sections within the School of Spiritual Science, contributed by individuals responsible for leadership of those sections. They indicate how the School connects with daily work in various aspects of life—including medicine, agriculture, education, science and the arts—and how they relate to contemporary society. Also included are significant articles and lectures by Steiner regarding his original intentions for the School, and practical information on the process of becoming a member.

In keeping with the transparency that Steiner called for, The School of Spiritual Science is available to anyone who wants to explore the work of this invaluable cultural institution.

C O N T E N T S:


I: The school of spiritual science

A school of knowledge of the evolving human being
Constanza Kaliks

Motives for school membership
Claus-Peter Röh

II: The school’s structures today

Developments and conditions
Johannes Kühl

Ways of working in the first class of the school of spiritual science
Claus-Peter Röh

III: The path through the nineteen class lessons

Johannes Kühl and Claus-Peter Röh

IV: Tasks of the school of spiritual science and its sections

The human being and anthroposophy
General anthroposophical section
Constanza Kaliks, Claus-Peter Röh, and Peter Selg

Youth section
Constanza Kaliks

Developing our humanity in medicine
Medical section
Matthias Girke and Georg Soldner

Developing our humanity with nature
Natural science section
Johannes Kühl

Section for mathematics and Astronomy
Oliver Conradt

Section for agriculture
Jean-Michel Florin and Ueli Hurter

Developing our humanity through art
Section for performing arts
Stefan Hasler and colleagues

Humanities section
Ariane Eichenberg and Christiane Haid

Visual arts section
Christiane Haid

Developing our humanity in the social sphere
Pedagogical section
Florian Osswald and Claus-Peter Röh

Section for social sciences
Gerald Häfner

V: Membership—study—contact
Johannes Kühl and Claus-Peter Röh

VI: History and foundation of the school of spiritual science
Christiane Haid


Tests by Rudolf Steiner
Lecture, Jan. 18, 1924
Newsletter, Jan. 20, 1924
Newsletter, Jan. 27, 1924
Lecture, Jan. 30, 1924
Newsletter, Feb. 3, 1924
Lecture, Feb. 3, 1924
Newsletter, Feb. 10, 1924
Newsletter, Feb. 17, 1924
Newsletter, Feb. 24, 1924
Newsletter, Apr. 20, 1924

Concerning publication of the content of the first class of the school of spiritual science
