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The Actor of the Future Series 1

The Art of Acting

Body - Soul - Spirit - Word: A Practical and Spiritual Guide

The Actor of the Future Series 2

The Art of Speech

Body - Soul - Spirit - Word: A Practical and Spiritual Guide

The Actor of the Future Series 5

Between Earth and Heaven

The Actor of the Future


Black Earth

Towards a New Drama


Christmas Plays from Oberufer

Paradise Play | Shepherds Play | Kings Play

Edited by Hélène Jacquet
Translated by A. C. Harwood
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner Series 14

Four Modern Mystery Dramas

The Doorway of Initiation • The Trial of the Soul • The Guardian of the Threshold • The Souls Awaken (CW 14)


Four Mystery Dramas

The Portal of Initiation - The Soul's Probation - The Guardian of the Threshold - The Souls' Awakening (CW 14)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Barbara Renold and Hans Pusch
Translated by Hans Pusch and Ruth Pusch